Mobile Workshops

Low Tech & High Tech STEAM workshops and on-going programming for rural schools and at-risk students of all ages.


Our mobile workshops allow us to bring STEAM learning to students attending schools with limited equipment and facilities. We work directly with classroom teachers and utilize the current Ugandan National Curriculum to develop workshops that support and enhance student learning. By creating mobile kits and workshop experiences, we are able to provide hands on learning to multiple classes in multiple locations on a rotating basis. Our mobile workshops are both high tech, like build-a-bot and circuit making workshops, and low tech like making and racing balloon cars and constructing wind turbines.

We have divided equipment and tools into portable individual sets to accommodate classes of 35-60 primary/junior students from grades 1 to 7. We have created one, two and three day workshops which are developed, assembled and delivered by both certified teacher volunteers and high school and university aged youth who either access our makerspaces or volunteer with us as STEAM advocates.

Part of the 2-way give-and-take of accessing the makerspaces is project work and part is outreach. The older youth who use the makerspaces benefit and enjoy both being a learner and a teacher as they bring mobile STEAM workshops back to their own old elementary schools. In this way, our mobile workshop model has empowered young people as learners, teachers and leaders.

Teaching teachers and working alongside local educators is also part of our mobile workshop programming. By offering professional development, we are helping develop hands on STEAM activities for students using limited materials and training them to use donated higher tech equipment. Our mobile workshops have ongoing success during the school year with 6 primary schools in Buwenge, Jinja (2), Nanso, Bugembe and Nazigo.